Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Five

{Me writing this post...yes, I have a sprained wrist and yes, I am at work}
Katharine and I were roommates in college, and went through some crazy things that brought us close together. Although we've seen each other once in the past year, she is one of my dearest friends and we talk almost every day. I really think that she is BEDinNYC's #1 reader, and so when Katharine asked me to write a guest blog post, I obviously said yes! I've never written a guest post for anyone, so here goes nothing. 

Have you ever noticed that bloggers love to list 5 things? Whether it be adequately titled "5 Things" or "Friday Five", everyone does it and everyone loves it. I've seen posts list anything from: 5 things that inspire the writer, 5 things to do this week/weekend, 5 songs that the writer loves right now, etc.  My friends in college used to play the embarrassing game "what did everyone google last?" You think you know someone, until you steal their phone and look at their search history to find out they just googled how many calories are in a banana. 

On Monday, I posted my own version of "5 Things"- the last 5 things I googled on my iPhone. Katharine loved this idea, and asked me to spill to the public (again) what I've been searching for this week:

Disclaimer: I won't explain the circumstance of any of these searches, so feel free to use your imagination. 
1.      "darien, ct arrests"
2.      "mac n cheese truck location nyc"
3.      "josh charles"
4.      "how do i know if i sprained my wrist"
5.      "toddler leather pants"

What are the last 5 things in YOUR search history? Don't be embarrassed, let us know!